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Created: 09/11/2016


 For us autumn has been a special season of the year for 21 years because this is the time when the gala event of the  Polish Quality Day takes place, organized  by us within the framework of the European Quality Week.This is the day devoted to entrepreneurs and organizations which aim at achieving excellence both in the scope of quality of management systems and in the manufacturing process of products which is in conformity with highest quality standards.

The motto of this year’s gala was „Quality for Results”. The event was held under the patronage of International Network Certification Bodies IQNet, Ministry of  Treasury and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

On the 26th October 2016 we had pleasure and honour to host our distinguished business partners,  customers and  long-time friends of the PCBC in elegant premises of Ufficio Primo in Warsaw.

An important point of the programme were the lectures including the one by IQNet Managing Director  Mr Pedro Alves who disclosed the main factor for achieving success on the market and outlined prospects of development of management system certification in the nearest future.

Professor Adam Hamrol from the Poznań University of Technology stressed in his speech that competitive advantage on the market can be achieved only through continual improvement of the quality of manufactured products and offered services.

The speeches given by Vice-Minister Mr. Filip Grzegorczyk,  Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Treasury, Mr. Olaf Gajl, Director of National Information Processing Institute and Mr.  Michał Lipiński Director of “Teraz Polska” (Poland Now) competition focused on the importance of broadly understood quality in business and public life.

We are grateful to our guests for many kind words about PCBC and its activity expressed  in speeches.

This has become a tradition of the Polish Quality Day to reward those representatives of our customers who can be proud of extraordinary achievements in the field of quality of management systems or manufacture of products according to the highest standards and with whom we have been cooperating for many years. All of them and their products and services  were awarded special statuettes and PCBC certificates.

Among the prize-winners were both entrepreneurs and firms from various sectors of economy and representatives of higher  education sector and representatives of public sphere. The awards were presented by the President of  PCBC Mr Michał Pachowski and Vice-President Mrs Anna Wyroba.

This year statuettes were presented to:

  • Amica Wronki S.A. for promotion of international quality standards;
  • Organic Horticulture Farm of  Tomasz Obszański for long-year achievements in production of high quality organic products;
  • Honeywell Sp. z o.o., for promotion of international quality standards;
  • LAMELA Sp. z o. o. from Łowicz, for promotion of international quality standards;
  • Poznań University of Technology, Production Management and Engineering for popularizing of quality oriented way of thinking;
  • Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP) in Warsaw for promotion of international quality standards;
  • SINTUR Sp. z o. o. for promotion of international quality;
  • Tikkurila Polska S.A., for manufacturing and promotion of environmental friendly products meeting rigorous requirements of the European ecological marking UE – Ecolabel;
  • Bielsko-Biała City Hall for promotion of international quality;
  • Xella Polska Sp. z o.o. for implementation of innovative systems using silicate products, friendly for architecture and environment.

During the 21st Polish Quality Day the decorative certificates were presented for products and organizations certified by the PCBC, namely:

  • Certificate of stability of performance of construction product: Factory made mineral wool products designed for thermal insulation in construction manufactured by: ISOROC Polska S.A., Nidzica;
  • Certificate of quality management system confirming that Nowy Targ City Hall meets requirements of the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015-10 standard;
  • Certificate of food safety management system confirming that Tchibo Warszawa Sp. z o.o meets requirements of the PN-EN ISO 22000:2006 standard .

Special distinction was awarded to our long-year employee, scrupulous auditor and friend of the Company Ms Jolanta Ochnik for long years of work to promote quality and development of the system of certification and conformity assessment .

We congratulate all the awarded wishing them further success.

The gala event of the Polish Quality Day was also a good opportunity for meetings, conversations in smaller circle and having fun.

Artistic setting was looked after by musicians of the ‘Laura Jazz Band’ with Ms Laura Godziejewska whose warm, sandy voice with unique timbre enraptured all listeners.

Today the 21st Polish Quality Day is the thing of the past. Nevertheless we are sure that the idea of awarding distinctions for entrepreneurs and organizations for achievements in the field of quality shall not let us stop organizing the event next year



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