XXIII POLISH QUALITY DAY combined with 60th Anniversary of the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification - PCBC S.A.

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Created: 06/11/2019

60 years is a very good opportunity to celebrate together.

Yesterday, in Warsaw at the KONESER Praga Center, XXIII POLISH QUALITY DAY combined with the 60th Anniversary of the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification took place.

A unique day when we could meet with our clients – representatives of science, business, government and local administration, health care institutions, associations and chambers of industry, as well as our auditors, trainers and employees.

It was also a good time to look back, summarize achievements, reward organizations involved in development of management systems and listen to interesting speeches of our guests.

Thank you for your speeches, warm words and congratulation letters we received on the occasion of our jubilee.

Lucyna Olborska, Director of the Polish Centre for Accreditation, photo: PCBC

Anna Miazek, Head of Division, Department of Supervisory and Subordinate at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, photo: PCBC

Pedro Castro Alves, Managing Director of the International Certification Network IQNet, photo PCBC

Tomasz Schweitzer, Prezident of the Polish Committee for Standardization, photo: PCBC


The motto of the ceremony was “We share quality… and experience”

The event was held under a honorary patronage of:

  • Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology
  • International Certification Network IQNet

Polish Quality Day is a regular celebration for businessmen and organizations that have been developing international management norms and standards in Poland and worldwide for years.

Traditionally, during each Polish Quality Day we reward our customers who can boast of exceptional achievements in the field of quality management systems or product production in accordance with the highest standards, and with whom we have cooperated for many years.

This year the following organizations were honoured:

  • CARDIONOVUM GmbH, Bonn, Germany – the organization was awarded for production and promotion of high quality medical devices

  • Grupa LOTOS S.A., Gdańsk – the organization was awarded for promotion of international management standards

  • H+H Silikaty Sp. z o.o., Warszawa – the organization was awarded for innovation in product solutions, dynamic development on the Polish market and activities for sustainable development

  • KGHM ZANAM S.A., Polkowice – the organization was awarded for promotion of international management standards

  • Spółdzielnia Mleczarska MLEKOVITA, Wysokie Mazowieckie – the organization was awarded for promotion of international management standards

  • PAULA Ingredients Sp. z o.o., Kalisz – the organization was awarded for production and promotion of high quality organic products

  • Urząd Miasta Szczecin – the city hall was awarded for promotion of international management standards

photo: PCBC

Representatives of all awarded Organizations

Also Organizations that were the first in Poland to obtain a license to use the EU Ecolabel for their products and services were honoured.

Certificates received:

  • MIRANDA Spółka z o.o., which was the first in Poland to receive the EU Ecolabel license granted for textiles
  • PAKAR SERVICE Sp. z o.o., which was the first in Poland to receive the EU Ecolabel license for indoor cleaning services

Congratulations for all distinguished Organizations and wish them further successes.

On the occasion of our jubilee, we invited a special guest, who was Martyna Wojciechowska, journalist, traveller, writer, producer, director, maker of the “Woman at the End of the World” programme for 11 years.

We thank once more for the presentation “Impossible does not exist, i.e. the role of passion in human life” and hope that it was an inspiration for our guests to develop and spread the idea of quality in the farthest nooks of the world and the slogan “impossible does not exist” will become the motto of everyone of us.

XXIII Polish Quality Day has already gone in history, but we are sure that our idea of distinguishing businessmen and organizations for achievements in the field of quality will not allow us to stop organizing such events in the coming years.

Therefore, we tell all quality people to see you at the next POLISH QUALITY DAY and once again thank you for being with us!

All published photos are intellectual property of the PCBC.

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