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Internal Control System.


Statutory regulation of rules relating to foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for national security and for the maintenance of international peace and security, rules relating to controls and records of this trade and responsibility for illegal trade in these goods, technologies and services.

Internal Control System is based on knowledge of: trade partners, product technical parameters and possibility to use “dual-use goods”.

WSK is a part of the wider system connecting legal entities, natural person, governmental authorities and international organizations providing rules for arms trade, military and police equipment, dual-use products and technologies and services related to this trade. The overarching objective is strengthening international security and peace-keeping through full cooperation.

The condition for carrying out audits limited only to assessment of the WSK requirements is to submit, before planned assessment, a valid certificate confirming the meeting of the PN EN ISO 9001:2009 requirements, issued by an accredited certification body (in accordance with the Act of 15 May 2012 on the amendment of the Act on foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for national security and for the maintenance of international peace and security and some other acts, Dz.U. of 2012 item 707, Article 11.1(4)) under the national accreditation system, i.e. by the Polish Centre for Accreditation and/or issued by the IQNet (The International Certification Network) Partner body.

Scope of certification: export, intra-UE transfer, brokering services, technical assistance, import, transit of goods, technologies and services of strategic importance in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 29 November 2000 (Dz.U. 2013 item 194).

Benefits of certification

The most frequently mentioned benefits of the Internal Control System implementation and certification include:

  • Organization of the decision-making process
  • Determination how to record the turnover
  • Minimization of errors due to human factor
  • Efficient monitoring of the functioning of the organizational units
  • Regulation of foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance
  • Increase the credibility of the organization

Also government administration reaps significant benefits of the involvement of organizations in control of exports since the organizations which successfully implemented the WSK possess specific information on goods, business partners and the rules of transfer.

Who may apply for WSK certification?

Requirements are applied when the organization intends to implement the Internal Control System of trade in goods of strategic importance and to apply to Department of Security and Crisis Management of the Ministry of Economic Development for relevant authorization.

Industry sectors interested mainly in WSK certification:

  • Electrotechnics and Electronics
  • Trade
  • IT and Communication
  • Transport and Logistics

Certification process


  • Krzysztof Moch

    Kierownik Zespołu ds. Sprzedaży i Obsługi Klienta/ Manager of Sales and Client Ser vice Division

    +48 606 459 912
  • Tomasz Kwiatkowski

    Główny Specjalista ds. Rozwoju Rynku/ Chief Specialist f or Market Developmen

    +48 691 192 300
  • Return

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