Certification and cybersecurity – cooperation agreement between PCBC and Inseqr - PCBC S.A.

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Created: 11/10/2023

Polish Centre for Testing and Certification i Inseqr sp. z o.o. (Inseqr) have signed a cooperation agreement within cybersecurity during the Cyber24DAY Conference. The aim of joint activities is to create modern solutions, products and services in cybersecurity area responding to market needs changing dynamically.


– In general, we conduct product testing and system certification in many areas, thus supporting our partners in building a competitive business. Nowadays, when cybersecurity is a key element of the functioning of our world, we are developing our activities in this direction. We are convinced that cooperation with Inseqr, an organization offering modern products and services, will enable us to offer jointly modern cybersecurity solutions to the market – says Paulina Pietrasik-Stippa, Member of the Management Board of PCBC.

– The issue of quality, verification of solutions, operating according to standards, creating good practices, all these are of great importance today. In line with our corporate values the most important are competence and trust. I am convinced that the combination of PCBC’s many years of experience in the field of certification and Inseqr’s competences in the field of cybersecurity will allow us to offer jointly interesting solutions for the market – adds PhD Eng. Wojciech Kamieniecki, President of Inseqr.

To begin with, the common product of both organizations will be training in the field of cybersecurity: CyberHigiena and CyberKadra.

The first one is addressed to managers and employees. The aim of the training is to prepare the recipient for safe activities in cyberspace, counteracting potential threats and acquiring practical skills in dealing with cyberattacks. CyberKadra is a training for management staff and key personnel in an organization, institution and company. Every time the training is adapted to the needs of the recipients. CyberKadra is a training within cyberspace security. The aim of the training is to prepare decision-makers in an organization, to understand the principles of functioning of the cybersecurity ecosystem and create an effective model of actions in the event of incidents. During the training, issues related to the Act on the national cybersecurity system and the NIS2 Directive will also be discussed.

Both training courses are now available to all interested parties.

Inseqr offers modern, innovative solutions and products in the field of software development services and security in its broad sense. Inseqr offers programming services, professional analyses and expertise within information management, secure IT systems, implements certified systems, helps in the processes of creating and managing classified information protection systems, and provides OSINT tools.

Inseqr conducts strategic projects for critical infrastructure stakeholder and central state agencies in Poland. Inseqr has an industrial security certificate and provides classified services and projects. Inseqr – Creates a culture of safety.


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