Training - PCBC S.A.

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We train in management systems focusing on the quality of the provided knowledge and on various and attractive form of training.

We are a modern team of open and mutually supportive people.

We work for our Customers with passion and commitment.

Trainings offered by us combine “hard” system knowledge with their innovative form. In striving for excellence, we are supported by the PCBC’s many years of history and experience as well as the authorities of the Trainers working with us.


In 2016, we became a recognized training partner and we conduct training as the IQNet Partner under the IQNet Agreement for the performance of the IQNet Academy scheme.

The training courses with the IQNet Academy logo we offer, give you a guarantee that your skills will be confirmed internationally.



In addition, our Training Unit cooperates with universities that, under the signed agreements, implement training programs in various areas of management systems based on the framework training programs of the PCBC.

The implementation of training programs at the university may take place as full-time and part-time studies, postgraduate studies as well as independent specialised training. After completing the training and passing the exam conducted by the PCBC employees, training participants receive certificates confirming their knowledge and competence to perform a relevant function.

This activity is aimed at building the competences of the universities’ graduates of various faculties and specializations and includes, among others, obtaining the following certificates: Specialist, Internal Auditor, Assistant, Management Representative, Engineer in the following areas:

  • Quality management
  • Environmental management
  • Occupational health and safety management
  • Information security management
  • Food safety management
  • Management in laboratories, in medical diagnostics laboratories
  • Service management
  • Business continuity management
  • Security management for the supply chain
  • Energy management
  • Internal Control System

Training – development guarantees quality

Polish Centre for Testing and Certification understands the need to continuously supplement and improve professional qualifications of employees in view of the continually developing technologies and communication processes.

We conduct effective and innovative training thanks to the highest competence of our trainers and application of up-to-date training techniques. Training offered by us are the guarantee of updating the knowledge from the given field and implementing of new solutions intended to improve the operations of organisation.

On the basis of our long year experience we know which type of training gives measurable benefits. This is particularly important with reference to companies which introduce various kinds of systems and are subject to certain regulations.

Training organized by us are always a reaction to the needs of our clients and business in a broad sense.

Why it is worth chosing our lecturers and trainers

  • they are the high class specialists with experience in different industries and enterprises who understand real challenges;
  • they precisely evaluate the environment of the company;
  • they can analyse effectiveness of your employees and indicate optimum improvements;
  • they use up-to-date training techniques;
  • they provide knowledge, inspiration and (the most important) show the way how to achieve planned results;
  • they satisfy your individual needs and expectations;
  • they shall propose special training forms;
  • they apply open methods of communication: clear, concise and precise;
  • they build a platform of partnership;
  • they continually strive after expanding of their knowledge and competence;
  • they create in a responsible way the working environment based on mutual respect and equal opportunities.

Training conducted by PCBC is a modern and comprehensive tool which guarantees that knowledge, capabilities, skills, and even motivations of employees meet the highest quality standards.


  • Mariola Fijewska

    Główny specjalista ds. Szkoleń

    + 48 22 46 45 508
    + 48 665 464 661
  • Agnieszka Korczak

    Główny specjalista ds. szkoleń

    +48 691 192 671
  • Natalia Nowak

    Specjalista ds. szkoleń i organizacji eventów

    +48 22 464 52 31
    +48 669 474 742
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