Certification of Management Systems - PCBC S.A.

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Certification of Management Systems offered by the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification is as key to increased profitability, productivity and effectiveness of your organization. This constitutes the guarantee of safety, limitation of business risk and balanced development of your company. This increases quality and enables keeping‑up with the market trend thanks to ensuring of conformity with requirements with target markets.

PCBC has an accreditation of the PC AC019  in the scope 

Certification of Management Systems – benefits from quality

Benefits from Certifiction of Management Systems:

  • increased opportunities to win markets;
  • increased effectiveness of the use of resources;
  • certainty that enterprise, organisations or self-government are effectively managed and aim at achieving of intended goals:
  • competitive advantage;
  • conducting activity with elimination of unnecessary processes;
  • introducing of mechanisms of integrated management;
  • limitation of the need for inspection with clients;
  • triggering of the need for change favourable to developing of creative attitudes and new initiatives;
  • prestige in the market and pride and loyalty of employees who identify themselves with their employer;
  • gaining confidence of clients that facilitates conducting business relationship.

Partners of PCBC appreciate:

  • meeting of requirements, needs and expectation;
  • comprehensive and efficient solution of problems;
  • methodical approach to management of certification process;
  • creating of partner relationship.
  • Experience of our auditors and experts guarantees that the certification process is realized on the highest level.


Announcement dated 9 November 2022 on New versions of IQNET logo and certified system mark –Information for certified Organizations

Annex to Announcement of 09.11.2022 Rules for the use of: PCBC CERTIFIED SYSTEM MARK and IQNET CERTIFIED SYSTEMMARK

Reasons to choose PCBC S.A.

Polish Centre for Testing and Certification S.A. is a leader of the Polish market among certificating of management systems and the pioneer on the Polish market in promoting of international rules of good management practices.

  • The PCBC S.A. is a Polish certification body with 65 years of experience.


The PCBC S.A. being the only national certification body is the partner of the International Certification Network IQNET



  • Certificates issued by the PCBC S.A. are recognizable and acknowledged on a basis of reciprocity all over the world.
  • The PCBC S.A. issued more than  5000 certificates for home and foreign organizations.
  • The PCBC S.A. has the resource of more than 120 auditors who develop their knowledge and skills with reference to the specific features of the given industry.
  • The specialists of the PCBC S.A. participate in implementing of international and European standards into the national standardization system by participation in the works of Technical Committees operating under the Polish Committee for Standardization.
  • Time of completing of services is adjusted to expectations of Clients.
  • The PCBC S.A. is characterized by partnership, ethical behaviour, impartiality, confidentiality.



Documents for download

  • Application for certification

  • Annex 1 to the Application ISO_13485

  • Annex 4 to the Application for multi-sites organization

  • Contract for system certification - business

  • Contract for system certification - company

  • Application for rewriting the certificate


  • Rules of certification management systems

  • Rules for using the following marks: PCBC mark of certified system, IQNet mark of certified system.


  • Krzysztof Moch

    Kierownik Zespołu ds. Sprzedaży i Obsługi Klienta/ Manager of Sales and Client Ser vice Division

    +48 606 459 912
  • Tomasz Kwiatkowski

    Główny Specjalista ds. Rozwoju Rynku/ Chief Specialist f or Market Developmen

    +48 691 192 300
  • PN-EN ISO 45001

    Occupational health and safety management systems. Requirements and standards.

    PN-EN ISO 14001

    Environmental management systems

    PN-EN ISO 9001

    Quality Management System

    PN-EN ISO 50001

    Energy management systems.

    PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001

    Information security management system.

    PN-EN ISO 22301

    Business Continuity Management System

    PN-ISO/IEC 20000-1

    Information technology. Management of services

    PN-ISO 37001

    Anti-bribery management systems

    PN-EN ISO 22000

    Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organizations in the food chain.

    FSSC 22000

    Food Safety Management System.

    PN-EN ISO 13485

    Quality Management Systems. Medical Products.


    Internal Control System.


    Allied Quality Assurance Publications

    PN-EN 14065

    Biocontamination control system -  Laundry processed textiles.

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