About us - PCBC S.A.

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Who we are?

Polish Centre for Testing and Certification is the firm with 65 years of experience in the field of certification of management systems, testing and certification of products and training.


We are a member of the International Network of Certification Entities IQNET (International Quality Net).



Representative of PCBC S.A. participate in the work  of the EU Committee for Ecolabelling EUEB (European Union Ecolabelling Board).

We have the status of a notified entity with the no. 1434 given by the European Commission in the scope of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices, Regulation No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council and in the field of conformity assessment of EU fertilizing products in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/1009.

Our competencies

In actions undertaken we are consistently guided by core principle of impartiality, trustworthiness and reliability. The key to our success are professional employees and top class partners with whom we realize further  projects.


  • Organizing of system of certification for marks: B, Q, Eko, Ecolabel,
  • certification of management systems (PCBC S A and IQNet certificates),
  • certification of products for conformity with valid standards,
  • conformity assessment in the scope of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices
  • conformity assessment of EU fertilizing products in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/1009
  • conformity assessment in the scope of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 305/2011 on construction products
  • organization of training in the scope of testing, certification, accreditation, management systems,
  • product testing in our chemical and in construction products laboratory
  • certification of organic farms.

Our clients are both the very successful largest enterprises and small local firms from various branches of economy and we systematically help them to develop and increase their market competitiveness.

Management Board of Company












President of Management Board: Aleksandra Kostrzewa

PCBC Policy



Management Board and Corporate Service Department

  • Administration Division
  • Investment and IT Division

Integrated Management System and New Business Areas Department

Management System Certification Department

  • Certification Process Division
  • Management System and Personnel Competence Division

Product Certification Department

  • Ecolabel Certification Division
  • Fertilising Product Certification and Inspection Division

Medical Device Certification Department

  • Medical Devices Certification Division
  • In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Certification Division
  • Quality Management System and Audit Coordination Division

Marketing and Training Department

Sales and Market Development Division

Sales and Client Service Division

Finance and Accounting Division

Construction Product Certification Department

Agri-Food Product Certification Department

  • Organic Production Certification Division
  • Food and Feed Certification Division

Laboratory Testing Department

  • Construction Product Laboratory
  • Fertilizer and Chemical Product Laboratory

History of company

The roots of the activity of the PCBC SA go back to 1959  in which the first Polish organisation dealing with the problems of quality – Office for Quality Mark  was established at the Polish Committee for Standardization. In 1970s the Office for Quality Mark was reorganized into the Central Office for Product Quality.

By the law on testing and certification of 3rd March 1993 the Office was replaced with the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification (PCBC).

The firm in the current structure has been existing since 1st January 2003 under the name PCBC S.A., as sole shareholder company of State Treasury  acting in the field of conformity on the basis of the act of 30th August 2002 (with further amendments) on the system of conformity assessment.

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