PN-ISO 37001 - PCBC S.A.

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ISO 37001-piktogram

Anti-bribery management systems

What is Anti-bribery management system ISO 37001

ISO 37001:2016 standard – Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use is the international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and published on 15 October 2016.

The requirements provided in the standard are not addressed to specific types of organizations – they can be used by various types of institutions and organizations. Requirements and guidelines presented in the standard relate to solutions classified as good and recognized practices in this field.

It should be emphasized that implementation of system presented in the standard does not assurance that no bribery will occur in relations to organization, however implementation of the system can help the organization implement reasonable and proportionate measures designated to prevent occurrence of bribery, to mitigate possibility of occurrence of bribery and its potential results. Implementation of the system can also help detect bribery, explain suspicions and ensure relevant response to such occurrence or suspicions.

The standard is developed in accordance with guidelines of SL Annex to ISO procedures and can be used in conjunction with other management system standards (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, etc.).

The concept of the system described in the standard includes such elements as:

  • determining context of the organization, i.e. external and internal issues to be included in system solutions
  • evaluating level of risks in relations to implemented processes and monitoring a status of these risks
  • establishing an anti-bribery policy
  • assigning and giving authorities to persons responsible for implementation and the system operation
  • planning actions to address elimination of bribery risks or mitigation of risks
  • ensuring effectiveness of these actions.

Annex A to the standard contains a large number of practical advices and guidelines to provide support in developing own system solutions and implementing them.

Benefits from ISO 37001 standard

Benefits from system implementation

  • identification of potential bribery risks throughout the organization
  • assessment of bribery risks
  • possibility to focus on the most important risks
  • implementation of mechanisms preventing or mitigating possibility of bribery occurrence
  • increase of the sense of security of people at all levels of the organization.

Benefits from system certification

  • assessment of implemented solutions by an independent third party
  • awareness of the possibilities to improve adopted solutions
  • control of business continuity within the system maintenance and development
  • rise of public confidence in the certified organization.

The ISO 37001 management system certification carried out by us is confirmed by both the PCBC certificate and the IQNET Association – The International Certification Network certificate recognized all over the world

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Dedicated to ISO 37001 standard

Industry sectors that are mainly interested in certification of anti-bribery management system:

  • Public administration
  • Healthcare and Medicine.

Course of Certification Process


  • Krzysztof Moch

    Kierownik Zespołu ds. Sprzedaży i Obsługi Klienta/ Manager of Sales and Client Ser vice Division

    +48 606 459 912
  • Tomasz Kwiatkowski

    Główny Specjalista ds. Rozwoju Rynku/ Chief Specialist f or Market Developmen

    +48 691 192 300
  • Return

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