- Quality Tradition - PCBC S.A.

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znak-Jakosc Tradycja

“Quality Tradition” system distinguishes the high quality food products with particular reference to traditional products.

Description of mark

“Quality Tradition” system distinguishes the high quality food products with particular reference to traditional products.

This system has been established by the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products and recognized as the national system of food quality by Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (Decision of 12 June 2007).

Product quality

Only products of the highest quality arising from their traditional character, outstanding quality, reputation or other features distinguishing them among other products in a specific category are covered by the system. The manufacturer declares maintenance of the higher production standards or unique product characteristics.

Before the product is allowed to participate in the “Quality Tradition” system it will be submitted to detailed verification in accordance with Mark Regulations adopted by the Polish Patent Office, after approval by the Board, the Management Board of the Chamber and the Union of the Provinces of the Republic of Poland.

„Quality Tradition” mark is registered in the Polish Patent Office under registration number Z-307821 and protected in accordance to Industrial Property Law as a collective guarantee mark.

Quality control

Manufacturers are obliged to have a certificate of conformity proving that manufacturing of product complies with specification. Manufacturers within Food Quality System using the “Quality Tradition” mark should submit their products to control in order to guarantee that the manufacturing method complies with the method declared in the application.

Certificate of conformity with specification affirms the satisfactory control process. Polish Centre for Testing and Certification issues certificates of conformity of traditional products for 3 years.

Openess of the system

System established by the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products in cooperation with the Union of the Provinces of the Republic of Poland is open for all farmers, agricultural producers, processors in the country and abroad, members of the Chamber and non-members. Quality is the only criterion to participate in the system. Right to use of mark can not be prohibited for entrepreneurs who meet criteria specified in Mark Regulations without important reasons.

Participation in the quality food confirmation system is entirely voluntary.

Transparency and traceability of the product

„Quality Tradition” mark is owned by the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products. This mark may be used in accordance with Regulations governing use of the quality mark “Quality Tradition”, established by the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products. These Regulation define procedure and rules for use of the mark. Manufacturers are obliged to determine frequency and extent of control and documentation to ensure full product traceability.

Polish Centre for Testing and Certification provides certification services related to control of production process conformity with specification.

Certification process

Required documents

  1. Application for certification made in 2 copies;
  2. Documentation used as a basis for certification of traditional and regional products – Manufacturer’s Specification including production process;
  3. Report on full testing conducted by accredited laboratories and/or laboratories recognized by the PCBC.

When applying for renewal of the certificate, the application submitted must be accompanied by report on full testing conducted by accredited laboratories and/or laboratories recognized by the PCBC and assurance declaration of unchanged recipe and technological process.


  • Kalina Palacz

    Kierownik Zespołu ds. Certyfikacji Żywności i Pasz

    +48 67 213 82 00
  • Anna Kłaput

    Kierownik Zespołu ds. Sprzedaży i Rozwoju Rynku/ Manager of Sales and Mark et Development Division

    +48 663 130 063
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